Glinns Road-Gargunnock Hills (Kingsburn Wind Farm)

Around 4 miles (one way)

START – Parking area on the Glinns Road (minor road) beyond the Ballochleam Farm. Look out for signpost to Glinns Road on the A811 (on the left coming from Gargunnock towards Kippen).

Great track. Lovely views from up there, nobody around!

Spout of Ballochleam (in search of)

Around 5 miles (one way)

START – Leckie Road in Gargunnock. Same start as the Gargunnock-Kippen walk here.

Great place but I’m not sure if I saw the Spout of Ballochleam! Was hoping to ask a fellow walker but there was nobody about. Maybe I stopped too soon. The track carries on to the Earlsburn Windfarm and reservoirs and then to the Todholes car park if I understood well. Leaving a car at each end will be perfect. Will come back again.